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ZOO 动物园

A zoo is a prison for innocent animals; a world hostile to virtue. Most infants are born "good eggs" while just a few are "bad eggs." Sociopaths are "good eggs" turned bad. It starts when a mother puts a baby in a playpen and calls it safe; our first "pen" where infants find little space for play. Being inquisitive, instincts compel them to escape to explore the allure of life outside the "pen." Yet most "good eggs" obey mother, but a few manipulate her to unwittingly unleashing destructive desires.

Likewise, innocent people are incarcerated among sociopaths and psychopaths in the largest system of panopticons in the world. The odds of being institutionalized in America are greater than China (see Panopticon). Plea bargaining, yielded by jurists, enforces the “law of the jungle” of the powerful over sociopaths they created to plead guilty to acts reclassified as crimes (see Courts). Surveillances are designed to support police, courts and prisons by ensnaring and extorting money and personal liberty (see Prison Industrial Complex).

Yet criminal violence is excusable if its done in support of a political ideology in power. Russell Means (deceased), a great chief, the noble Sioux warrior battling evil whitemen in Washington DC. A great man that spoke the truth, spoke of the “white man” placed on the reservations built by oligarchs destroying constitutional protections. So, the reactions by "white people" of lower classes are not considered a political complaint. (see Means, Russell Charles). All are slaves of the corporate state; a parental state in need of being arrested for child abuse - the citizens. Prisons surrounded by razor wire dominate landscapes; it is a money-maker; cages filled with ordinary people caught in crimes that at one time were not regarded as so (see Cage). An industry where privatized prisons are guaranteed a stream of shackled stock from a corrupt criminal justice system regulated and protected by the court system that manages a permanent underclass as labor, then discards them when it becomes too much of a burden to warehouse them (see Court).

[Edited] Analytic Entry from The Taboo Dictionary - Forbidden Ground A to Z, © 2016

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