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All things must balance. There is paradise and there is a hell on Earth. The Garden of Eden is only for the few; all others must live in dystopian hell created elites (see Elite).

A word coined by Sir Thomas More (1478 – 1535), a philosopher, lawyer, Lord Chancellor of England, and Catholic saint who authored a book titled “Utopia” is about the best government on a new island that describes the ideal political structure and way of life. Not the type of government that Thomas More warned of, with prosecutors and courts disregarding the law to secure convictions, having turned the law into a weapon rather than a shield for the people. The word is used to denote what some believe are the ideal social and political conditions of Natural Law, not the dystopian world of human-caused laws that More warned of (see Natural Law). Thomas More knew of the ills affecting his society: i.e., since nothing has changed in the nature of the weak character and banal, ignorant side of humanity, similarly today, governments, led by presidents and ministers start wars that result in the loss of a nation’s treasury, its finances wasted on fruitless endeavors; the valid critiques of the death penalty which assert that criminals will murder those they victimize to eliminate witnesses, if the punishment is death; and the take-over of resources by aristocrats, now modern oligarchs and their corporations leading to poverty and starvation forcing the poor to engage in criminal activities for survival.

America claims to be the embodiment of ideal social and political conditions; a utopian world claiming to be an “exceptional” just and democratic society. That is a delusion, and a lie “pushed” by those who rob others of their dreams to live in peace: i.e., it is a dystopian nightmare world sold as “the American dream.” It is a neo-feudal society; a land where presidents make war and waste resources of worthless endeavors; where corporations have “starved out” the public by hogging the resources and controlling the means of production with slave wages; a legal system that incarcerates people for trying to survive; and the liberal use of the death penalty. Unfortunately, most are silent on this reality, and by the law of "qui tacet consentire videtur" - he who (is) silent is seen to consent – is complicit in these crimes (see Dystopia).

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