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1. Surgery: an ancient surgical procedure of scrambling the frontal lobe of the brain; miracle workers, medicine men, surgeons cutting into the skull exorcising a “spirit," or removing the root of psychosis. Biological psychology is our nature; survival driving our moods, but godlike awareness of mortality is psychical. So, we treat organic psychosis, but pray, use magic for intervention from angels to exorcise demons that attack the spirit of happiness.

2. Socialization: "brainwashing" the programmable brain to lobotomize the intuition of the mind. Psychiatric studies on "near death experiences" and reincarnation reveal the difference between the programmable brain, and the independent intuition of consciousness of mind outside the body (see Reincarnation).

[(Behaviors = Information + Thoughts + Emotions) = Constructed Mind] is the program formula for the socialization of the collective mind. The BITE of inculcating the mind does unleash the spirit of dehumanization. Upon an infant's blank slate others write disturbances upon. The suppression of the mind to train an obedient brain by controlling information; now spread through thinking machines made in the likeness of a manipulative mindset. Building upon decades of indoctrination, dogma, fear, shame and envy as conventions of normalcy, what is considered normal, today conscious robots posing as humans on the internet, suppress the questioning of authority by using negative reinforcement techniques, "trolling" dissenters with ridicule and shame to repress awareness of the collective of intuition (see BITE).

Most are not strong enough to defy learned conventions nor oppose its arbiters using ridicule, shame and fear of threats against one's intuition. This chalice of addicting distilled nectar, the normalcy of lies, constructs a paranoiac belief system of dogmas that permits elites to rationalize homicide, genocide, infanticide, and suicide as acceptable collateral damage to maintain domestic powers while expanding global empire. Informed by intuition, the conscientious question the basis of this reality, but the trained, obedient cheer it on.

Social Schizophrenia arises in the collective "brain" by inculcating arbitrary beliefs that are contrary to our intuitive humane nature. With the suppression of the mind by programming the brain, dehumanization of the soul, possessed by psychopathic spirits, normal people commit abnormalities caused by the collective mind at war with itself. An ill society of unleashed monsters of the subconscious mind - a self-loathing, alienated spirit aware of the powerlessness of mortality driving masochistic and sadistic impulses to invite pain or to inflict it.

[Edited] Analytic Entry from The Taboo Dictionary - Forbidden Ground A to Z, © 2016

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