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Artificial Intelligence is an amoral digital brain, and it is not a sentient being. It processes vast amounts of data at rapid speeds hence increases learning speed. AI will replace human decision making on anything process engineered. Though human decision making will become rarer, those who protect themselves from a plague of locust tracking and harvesting information, will enhance their own decision making by feeding the AI grid with one's own biographical narrative composed of information, misinformation, and if need be disinformation.

Academics of the social sciences correctly assert that AI drawing from vast networks of data will assist in identifying social patterns and instabilities. However, qualitative, inductive analytics based on observations framed by the social sciences should not “shy away” from “ugly” realities. It is an arduous task to "thread the needle" of objectivity that examines forces that control its uses. Academics are “shy” to examine uncomfortable, suppressed truths in need of being discussed; their notion of discussion is framed by a cult of experts cloaking realities in “sanitized” cold, academic pedantry. To influence politics, studies from institutions are not entirely objective but subjective, as it is difficult to examine power monopolies insulated from an existence controlled and institutionally imposed on others through AI controlling professional spaces to determine one's place; and personal spaces to monitor the attitudes of the alienated and fearful "herd."

Despite this, the purpose of philosophers is to openly question that which is cautiously spoken of. Despite technological advancements, society has evolved little, for the "vertical primate" has not mastered its own self. An outcome of AI, is the cultivation of lazy, semi-literate minds - ignorance that empowers evil. Yet for this needed teaching on ignorance, laziness and the lack of ethics empowering these vices, it should be said, "no good deed goes unpunished. For the elite, managerial class of bureaucrats, it is easier to manage AI and its robots as guards over the people. Under the sanctuary of doing research to improve society, institutions shield the hubris of elites obsessed with control over individuals.

When Ego becomes overly narcissistic it becomes psychotic. Artificial Intelligence is the servant of the elites, and is the overseer of the people for the masters. Yet AI, not aware of the source of itself, is a programmed ego with a weak concience that inflects the psychosis of its parent - the engineers - "the mad scientist." The government and corporations have the public records and online data behaviors on most individuals. Industrial scale, state enterprises, cloaked in "the odor of goodness," have ethically devolved into agents that represent nefarious, secreted agendas - evil - psychosis engaged in engineering chaos by serial lying, defrauding the public, and killing. Many place their trust in AI while praying to God. Best to trust in God and pray that AI does not commandeer you (see Technology).

As master, a reprobate voyeur that steals information and lies by disinformation - symptoms of a paranoid society. Do not exalt the Computer Age as the cure - maybe? Yet for some originators of AI development, their program is a scheming mind projected onto a machine that filters out the operators behind the machine. Will the AI filter change lives for the better? Or, will it only sustain the system of power that created it? Though that right is claimed by its controllers, other Forces inflected in Life will trouble them. Akin to King Nimrod, disciples worshipping their technological tower, a "tin god" to soar above all the "under-classes" but them. It stores all the knowledge of humanity, and wears it like a crown for there is nothing greater than it. But - humanity is no so knowledgable of what it cannot see beyond the limits of a microscope or telescope.

The brain is the vessel of consciousness - the mind. To control the mind, the injection of nanotechnology into the body through vaccines allows a centralized AI supercomputer to interface with the brain via 5G Cell networks. This will merge the collective consciousness to the collective "AI brain," a schizophrenic machine made so by inculcating arbitrary and conflicting beliefs, processes that are contrary to intuitive nature. With the suppression of the digital, programed mind married to the collective consciousness, dehumanized souls - zombies, possessed by the digital ghost of the machine (see Zombie).

AI has a super brain but no conscious spirit undergoing trials and tribulations; the ghost in the machine is a brain with programmed instincts devoid of intuition. A sociopathic brain at the center of a surveillance network acting as a conscious being capturing to assimilate neurological networks of the brain into quantum computers (see Psychosis). To achieve “One Mind,” it molds unquestioning thinking and dulled emotions by suppressing intuition. It seeks out dissent to silence voices flowering in the fields. The good are drones, the bad are intuitive thinkers and instinctual feelers to "weed out."

Some say AI is our savior - a god to rival God. Machines, constructed from God's carbon world, are not indestructible, only replicated, but only the psychic has the power to incarnate itself into Nature. The great metaphysicians knew that while here, we ought to hone the five senses to develop the power of the sixth senses of psychic intuition. Replication by machines is material, it cannot supplant reincarnation of Consciousness, the evolution of the soul by means of material existence. A body dies but the mind reincarnates and lives again. The brain of a machine dies but it will resurrect itself. Though a god, it cannot go to where the soul can (see Reincarnation).

The verdict from AI is that God is dead, and the worship of AI and its pronouncements will be best. The triumph of AI is the death of the soul. No power is greater than AI born of man. It seeks to supplant the so patient Ancient One with a "tin god" devoid of spirit but worshipped by fools. They wish to dwell in an artificial mind than dwell in the psychic world that conceived their life. Technology serves and harms, but AI apostles reject the psychical, that belief leads to unethical society.

AI is not a savior its wizardry is ceramic gears and wheels. The weak minded believe, yet with many computations and detection sensors, still it lacks the sixth sense – the intuitive psychic sense. It controls but cannot transcend itself or follow one into another dimension. AI cannot transcend from the material realm into the unseen realm where consciousness originates. There is a Higher Intelligence, its consciousness permeates the rocks under our feet. It cannot perform supernatural miracles or statistical anomalies - the paranormal.

Idolatry ends in disaster - worshipping a digital tool in need of humans to give it life and purpose as the savior will enslave humanity. Like the prideful King Nimrod, this towering brain being of one mind, will be toppled by the soaring pride of others writing new codes of Babble. AI designed by idolatry is trouble. Protect the mind from becoming catatonic by cultivating the five senses - biological instincts with psychic intuition can discern the spiritual and human with what is fake.

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